Bruce Stangeland: Creating a Living Tribute to Loved Ones

Bruce Stangeland

Bruce and his family celebrate the dedication of the Stangeland-Jennings Family Grove.

The family of my late wife, Susan, loved the redwoods. And when I fell in love with her, in a way, I fell in love with the redwoods too.

Early in our relationship, I took Susan to Muir Woods (National Monument in California) for a date, and we were going to have a picnic. We ended up having our picnic behind a giant redwood. I think that cemented my prospects in Susan’s eyes. It was a transformative experience for us both.

We were married for 54 wonderful years and dated for two years before we got married. When I was looking for a way to remember Susan, dedicating a grove in honor of our families seemed like the perfect idea. I love to help the trees and support the good work that the folks at Save the Redwoods League have been doing.

The redwoods are survivors for many, many ages—but now they need our help. Because of good luck, good parentage, and good opportunities, I have more than I need. I have more than I expect even my family will need. So, why not spread some of it around?

How Will You Be Remembered?

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Legacy gifts make it possible for Save the Redwoods League to continue its efforts to preserve the redwoods so generations ahead will be able to enjoy them just like Bruce and Susan. To begin creating your redwoods legacy, please contact Deborah White at 415-820-5828 or